Dani Ploeger is an artist and cultural critic who explores situations of conflict and crisis on the fringes of the world of high-tech consumerism. He has travelled to dump sites in Nigeria, Kenya and Hong Kong to collect electronic waste originating from Europe, made a VR installation while accompanying frontline troops in East-Ukraine, stolen razor wire from the so-called ‘smart fence’ on the EU outer border in Hungary and interviewed witnesses of US drone attacks in Pakistan about sound and technologies of violence. His artwork has been exhibited at ZKM Karlsruhe, Venice Architecture Biennale, Nairobi National Museum, transmediale and The New Institute museum for architecture, design and digital culture in Rotterdam, among others. His collection of critical texts, Deserted Devices and Wasted Fences: Everyday technologies in extreme circumstances, will be published with Triarchy Press in autumn 2021. He holds a PhD from the University of Sussex, UK, and is currently a Research Fellow at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London and a Fellow at V2_Lab for the unstable media in Rotterdam. Dani’s artwork is represented by Art Claims Impulse in Berlin.